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I don't express myself correctly... Shopify doesn't allow you to target line item id, only variant id... that is the problem I guess
That is because the target to apply the discount is the product variant ID... and it should be line item id
the attribute stays on lines node. try this:query Input {
cart {
lines {
quantity attribute(key: "discount") { value }
merchandise {
...on ProductVariant {
I can apply 2 discount in 2 differents products, like the print below. But I want to apply discount if the product has attribute "_x" for exemple, it works partially but if I apply the discount to the product that has this attribute and I add the sam...
I can apply 2 discount in 2 differents products, I apply these discounts based on products attributes. Follow the print below. But I want to apply discount if the product has attribute "_x" for exemple, it works partially but if I apply the discoun...
The target for discount can be only product variant, so the discount is added to this variant id, not the line id. I think that is why the discount is applied to all products that has the same variant id, but not same attribute (sorry for my english,...
Hi, sorry to bother you but I'm facing the same problem I guess. I only apply discount if the product has attribute "_x" for exemple, it works partially but if I apply the discount to the product that has this attribute and I add the same product wit...
Hello. I'm facing a problem that looks like yours... I was wondering, do you add this attribute to the product with an input hidden named 'attributes[attributeName]'?
Hi, I'm having a problem when I try to call any mutation (paymentSessionResolve, etc...) on php from payments app api at this endpoint => (https://{shop_domain}/payments_apps/api/2022-10/graphql.json), the response is a HTML which says "Access denied...
Hello. When I try to call the mutation PaymentSessionResolve on php curl its return a HTML wich says: "You don't have permission to access this website". Using postman it work perfectly. Here is my php code: $headers = [ 'Content-Type' =>...
Hello, did you get the solution?
Hello, did you get the solution?
Did you find the solution? I have the same issue.