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Hi, I am using shopify dawn theme & downloaded opinew App for reviews, but unable to show it under my featured product section under title, you can see product showing on my home page & collection page. Please guide how can I add star rating 
Is this possible to change it in my required text with the image module, instead of just changing it in the specific module only?I mean I can get the custom code that I can enter in the custom css box where I want to change the background colour of t...
Yes, it's working but only within the grid. is this possible that we can change the colour of the white border background shown in the images? so that also looks like the part of this section. Thanks   
You are a great ManIs there any way I can change the background colour for the image with text grid + text portion, I mean complete background shown below image.  Thanks
Thanks for the assistance. It's making heigh short but I want that it also adjust the image according to height instead of cropping the image.see an image showing now.  is this possible to change the code accordingly ?
Hi, I am struggling to change the height of the image with the text module.Actually I want to minimize the picture size & then font according to my requirement, but it looks it has fix size minimum size height. Here as you can see in the picture my t...
Great, it worked! Thanks
  I am using dwan theme and added two different menus in the footer but its not showing properly with one color and the above payment options. I want both menus must be with the same background colour on mobile view and payment and social icon in the...
Great, it worked. I have also installed Opniew App for reviews, is there any way to update their css, and background font colour as the current colour scheme showing very dull? You can also check that on the same link at the end of product page. Than...
Yes, Please see below, it's on the product page and I want it on the left side instead of showing in the centre.
Hi, i I'm trying to change the position of the collapsible content in the Shopify Dawn theme from centre to left. Please help and advise a solution. Here is the picture for easy reference. Thanks  
I just installed Opinew free version review app but its colour scheme looking bad, is there is a way we can change/customize it please share the steps . Thanks
HiI want to change the Menu button style of my Shopify Dawn theme, and want to change the current menu to a button style,See attached image which I want. And for the current style please check my store link. Store Link :
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