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Hi @infoatcodelab7 ! The image itself is not the problem, but I can't place it exactly where I want when using the theme editor. For instance, this is how it looks when uploaded via theme editor It doesn't look organized. I need the image to be betwe...
Hi! Thanks for the kindness my Store URL is adapabio.compassword is adapabio much appreciated!
Hello folks! I could really use your help to properly add some footer images on my store (Shopify Taste Theme) The theme allows to place images via theme editor, however, the image size (square) does not does not fit my needs, so I might need to pla...
Olá, pessoal! Preciso de uma ajuda para colocar uma imagem (selos) no rodapé da minha loja (tema Shopify Taste). Porém, preciso colocar direto no código do site. O site é (senha para acesso= adapabio) Preciso colocar a imagem no ro...