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I am trying to hide the fast tag element circled in the image. It should only display these fast tags on the products but for some reason it is doing it on this header as well. I am new to CSS and it looks like the fast tag for the header as well as ...
I am trying to make my slideshow the width of the page on both mobile and desktop. I am using the sunrise theme and my website URL is
Yes it's
I unfortunately can not give access, but if you are willing to guide me through it that would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to replace the mobile icons for the different menu buttons on the sunrise theme with my own icons and can't seem to figure out where in the code they are. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
I believe it is a shopify2.0 theme. I am able to put the upsell app block in the product template but nothing is displayed after doing so.
I am trying to use the upsell app to show additional products a customer can buy on a page. I have tried multiple apps but none of them are showing up. I believe it may be an issue due to the theme I am using (sunrise). On the upsell page it mentions...
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.