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My store is and password is jyotsna
I would like to make my slideshow clickalble in the refresh theme but cannot figure out how to. Please could someone assist me?
Hi, This doesnt work.
Please help me. I want to move my slideshow button under the text on my banner picture in my slideshow. I cannot seem to do this at all My website is the password is jyotsna
Hi, i want to move my slidewshow button on my website to fit centered underneath the text in my banner on my slideshow. I also want the button to be transparent white with black bold text How can i do this? It currently looks like this. My website i...
Hi, i cannot manage to move my banner button underneath the text on my banner as seen in the pictured below. It is also a weird colour, I would much rather it be a white or black button but i cannot seem to edit that from my colours menu either. We...
Thank you so much!
My password is jyotsna
I have two different banners, one for desktop and one for mobile. My mobile banner is 1080x1080, i wish to keep this resolution, however on shopify it doesnt seem to keep that resolution and shrinks it. My desktop banner size is fine though, it seem...
Hi guys my website is I wanted to have a different banner for the mobile version of my website as my desktop one looks awful on mobile. if anyone can assist I would greatly appreciate How can I do this? And what size sh...
wow thanks for your help so good!
Hi aurathefragrance On my website for some reason the 'about us' page content is also displayed on my shipping policy as well as refund policy pages,Unsure as to why. When i delete it off them it deletes it off them all. Could anyone please help me ...
Thank you both for the reply, i think im going to attempt this one.
Pure Perfume Oils – aurathefragrance How do i center the text under the 'Pure perfume oils' on this section? CSS doesnt seem to work.
Hi Guys My store is I would like to make a product that allows the customer to pick 3 different perfume oils from this section: Pure Perfume Oil – aurathefragrance and then have the total price as 39.99. I've made this page 3 ...