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it works but why every time I reload the page the quantity box move to go to the center? Can you correct this pls?
On mobile only not on desktop please!
Hi, I want to reduce the size of my collection title in my collection page on mobile only. (I want it to be at 20px) Thanks
Hi, I want to reduce the size of all my collection title on all my collection page (I want to be able to choose the size myself) :
It still doesn't work can you help me ?
It works but this create a space between the picture that I don't like. Can you please do the same while keeping the space tight
it works but I cant click on the item now! Can you correct this please ?
is it also possible to remove the product title please
Hi I want to remove the space between my product pictures and my header.The red space in the picture down below.The link of my website is here :
Hi, I want to remove the price on all my collection pages on mobile and on desktop.Here is the link of my website : Best regards.
yeah i find it myself thanks!
it's added and still don't work correctly. On destktop it isn't center align and on mobile it centrers when it loads.Thnaks
here is my website link. still doesn't work on mobile.
works well on mobile but looks bad on desktop is it possible to correct please.
thanks ! is it also possible to reduce the size of the quantity and the size on mobile?