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Hello I run an adult shop and we got lots of shy costumers who want to keep their info private.I need to disable shipping address for orders that will be picked up at store.
Thank you again! You are super fast. The result is exactly what I had in mind. A coffee tip is the least I could do.
That worked like wonder! You are amazing!I need one last thing mega menu doesn't work. It opens behind the slider and it is not visible or clickable.
Hello!I was so happy to find your answer but unfortunately my slideshow doesn't work on my mobile like mentioned before, I see the carousel but no pics.My shop link is
Hello.I replaced the original code with yours. Where do I insert the desireble link now?
Hello. I have the same problem in the dawn theme. The file theme.scss.liquid doesn't exist in my theme. Can you help me out?
Could you help me with my site too?I want the same above the third button "Προσφορές"
Hi I wanted to add this to my site too.I changed collections/on-sale to collections/Προσφορές to match my preferred button on the menu but it didn't work.Could you help me?My site is
Thank you for your immediate reply!It looks a little bit off...I would like it to be above the search and cart icon.I would like to have the initial annoucment bar which indicates my free shipping and then a sacond announcement bar with my companys c...
Hello there.I had the same issue, I applied your code and it did work...Thank you so much! Now I would like to move phone number and email on the right side of the page. Is that possible?
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