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Here is my graphql file, works very well. query Input {cart {lines {quantitymerchandise {__typename...on ProductVariant {id,product {handle,boxcontains: metafield(namespace: "custom", key: "box_contains") {value},percentagediscountbox: metafield(name...
Thank you so much, now my function works fine.
I can get value of one field but i need to get two or more metafields. If it is possible, I need to know how is the structure of input.graphql
Hello Nick. How can i get two metafields of a product from input.graphql ? Actually, I can get value of one field but i need to get two or more values of metafields. If it is possible, I need to know how is the structure of input.graphql. I Attach my...
That has sense, thank you.
I have the same problem when i try save a order discount, my app works fine in development store but i dont understand why when install on production store i get "automaticAppDiscount.functionId Function not found", i tried create others apps and in ...