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Yes please here is my Collection Liquid, if that helps {% comment %}sections/main-collection.liquid{% endcomment %}{%- liquidassign products_per_page = section.settings.products_per_pageassign products_per_row = section.settings.products_per_rowassi...
Which Code Sections do you need for that? I Could send you them here?
Yes, but i dont know how to achieve that when i would try by using google and Chat Gpd i probably never will do it. So Im here waiting for some ideas and hints to get that project rolling.I appreciate every help
Hello there,i want to add another sort by option to my store.Atm Im running most bought(Beliebteste), Günstigste(Price ascending) and Neueste(Date descending).But for a clothing store it would be really nice to also have to option to filter by most r...
I want to add a the according Collection Heading which is standing in the broadcrumps above each Collection.There should be standing the Collection Title in this case "Hoodies Herren"The Changes i want to do in my updated Vantage Shopify Theme:https:...
@media screen and (min-width: 980px) {.gridlock .row {width: 80%;}}i added that to the costum css code without the important and it worked.With the important some Snippets werent showing correctly anymore.Thank you
Hello in my Shopify Theme Vantage are no Layout Options. Now Im trying to figur out how I can make the PageWidth Smaller on Desktop and Tablet because when i dont use the Full Width Option in some sections they are still like 95% of the Destop width ...
In my ClothingStore the LogoList is displayed on Mobile with only 2 Logos in a Row.The section is the logo-section and i need a custom liquid to display it properly. When you scroll down on the Page below the Daily Deals you find the...
Hi there, today i wanted to check on my store (like everyday): under,but when i try to login i only get the message that the store is unavailable.After checking solutions on google i saw ...