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Yes please here is my Collection Liquid, if that helps {% comment %}sections/main-collection.liquid{% endcomment %}{%- liquidassign products_per_page = section.settings.products_per_pageassign products_per_row = section.settings.products_per_rowassi...
Which Code Sections do you need for that? I Could send you them here? 
Yes, but i dont know how to achieve that when i would try by using google and Chat Gpd i probably never will do it. So Im here waiting for some ideas and hints to get that project rolling.I appreciate every help 
Hello there,i want to add another sort by option to my store.Atm Im running most bought(Beliebteste), Günstigste(Price ascending) and Neueste(Date descending).But for a clothing store it would be really nice to also have to option to filter by most r...
I want to add a the according Collection Heading which is standing in the broadcrumps above each Collection.There should be standing the Collection Title in this case "Hoodies Herren"The Changes i want to do in my updated Vantage Shopify Theme:https:...
@media screen and (min-width: 980px) {.gridlock .row {width: 80%;}}i added that to the costum css code without the important and it worked.With the important some Snippets werent showing correctly anymore.Thank you 
Hello in my Shopify Theme Vantage are no Layout Options. Now Im trying to figur out how I can make the PageWidth Smaller on Desktop and Tablet because when i dont use the Full Width Option in some sections they are still like 95% of the Destop width ...
In my ClothingStore the LogoList is displayed on Mobile with only 2 Logos in a Row.The section is the logo-section and i need a custom liquid to display it properly. When you scroll down on the Page below the Daily Deals you find the...
Hi there, today i wanted to check on my store (like everyday): under,but when i try to login i only get the message that the store is unavailable.After checking solutions on google i saw ...
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