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Thank you! You too!
Thank you! that works
Hello. ive tried to try your code but it's outdated. if you could help me out, that would be great! thanks!
Hi! Im making a website using dawn 10.0 theme and ive realized that there's no way to turn on the quick add to cart button to the search result. I have tried using the method that other forms have submitted but it does not work. If anyone could help,...
Hello. I have been making changes to my website and i have a custom html brands carousel but it the images do not show up on mobile. however, it did work earlier. i am not sure why and if someone could please help me out, that would be awesome! my we...
Hello! Thank you for your suggestions. I was wondering how I could make the sliding announcement bar without using any apps. I have tried to make it with custom liquid but have not been successful. Anything will help! thank you!
Thank you for your response! I have tried to fix the image problem with the products but it hasn’t worked. Could you help me out. Thank you so much for everything!
Hello! If you could give my store some feedback that would be awesome! My website is  any feedback will help! Thank you
Hello! I am making a website using the dawn 10.0 theme and am wanting to add lazy loading to my pictures.  Currently they are loading in segments which does not look the best especially for people with bad Wi-Fi or cell service. The website is called...
I have turned it on. it should look weird on chrome or chromium
sorry. i turned off the setting. i can turn it back on for you to see. 
Hello! I have some custom css for a div that makes it looks like frosted glass. If I turn off "reveal sections on scroll" the glass effect does work on both safari and chrome but once i turn the "reveal sections on scroll" on safari works fine but on...
Sorry! Everything works now! It was just a weird setting that got added to the dawn 10 theme that got turned on. Thank you!
Hello! Im making a website using dawn 10.0 and the frosted glass and it used to work with the dawn 9.0 theme but doesn't work on the 10.0 theme anymore. The website is and here's the custom CSS code..slideshow__text.banne...
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