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Meanwhile, you can refer to our GraphQL Admin API for reference on different Objects.
hi @WEIRD , it looks like the fulfillments are in the "ON HOLD" state when the orders are created. The "Order ready to fulfill" trigger only fires if the fulfillment holds are released. If you release the fulfillments on the orders, the workflows wil...
Hi @WEIRD , would youmind sharing the workflow url so we can investigate further?
Hi @SKRASTS , thank you for your suggestions. Flow doesn't have this feature right now. However, it's on our roadmap to improve the user search experience.
That's correct, in the unstable version of the admin API, you'd be able to determine which bundle the items belong to using the productParents field. Flow tries to be on the latest stable version of the Admin API at all times which is 2023-07 as of t...
hi @dbianchi , thank you for your patience. I had a wrong assumption about Bundles. I thought when the customer purchase the bundle, the bundle product will be in the order. It's not the case here. In order to do this properly, we need to wait for an...
You can share the url to the workflow here and I'll be able to access it to help you
do you mind sharing the workflow you're working on so I can troubleshoot further?
Hi @faraoneshop , we do not have a way to listen to product updated right now, the product status update trigger is only executed when a product's status change. For example, when it goes from draft to published or active to inactive. As for metafiel...
You can setup a workflow like this where it checks if the order contains a bundle then go through each item in the line items list, find the bundle item, and tag the order with the SKU of the bundle. You can also tag it with the title of the bundle b...
Hi @dbianchi , just to confirm my understanding, are you looking for a way to tag the order with a bundle's name when the order contains a bundle?
Yes, currently you'll need to buy one of the plans above to use Shopify Flow.
Hi Charles989898
Shopify Flow is currently available to customers on the Shopify, Advanced, or Shopify Plus plan.