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Awesome! I'm glad you got it sorted out and working. Thanks for accepting my solution.
Hi, this is a long shot but in the customizer for the default product, you don't accidentally have the little eye icon turned to hide do you? If the eye icon has a slash through it then it is hidden and that may be why you are not seeing the product ...
This is a good YouTube video showing how to add a text field with custom liquid block. May be best for only a single product though.
Thanks for sharing the information and the linked article too. I'll definitely be bookmarking it in case I run into any of those issues too.
Is the theme Dawn Theme? Since most of the tutorials I've seen show working with Dawn theme, I think this property in the input field is for Dawn Theme specific:form="product-form-{{ }}"And maybe if not Dawn theme, then the form id is diff...
I have been studying and trying to learn how to do this very same thing too as I want to learn more Shopify development.It seems like what you have should work...One thing I can think of is did you add your custom product liquid file to be specified ...
Hi, Yes it looks like you have it as a property for the input field so it looks correct to me.
I think the file image upload input field has to be associated with the form. Try putting this attribute in the input field so that you receive it when adding to cart: form="product-form-{{ }}".
Hi,I am a beginner trying to learn Shopify development (coming from more WordPress/WooCommerce/PHP) and was practicing this very thing a few weeks back in Dawn Theme on my development store. I think your input fields need the form="product-form-{{ se...
Hi,I'm very new to Shopify development myself and have been studying these videos about adding custom product fields. I thought that Crave theme was built like Dawn theme with some different settings and tweaks? Again I could be wrong too. If you are...
In Shopify liquid, what's the preferred way to filter a resource to confirm if it is an image?{% if property.whatever contains '/uploads/' %}how to check in the code here for say a jpeg or png{% endif %}
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