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Hi @gr_trading Thanks a lot for your quick reply. To confirm your points Yes, the product level meta field is createdAnd I have assigned a value for that meta field. I have attached a screenshot for your reference.When I view source the page I can s...
Hi Hari1_prasad, in the main-product.liquid page I could not find the line {%- form 'product', product, id: product_form_id, class: 'form', novalidate: 'novalidate', data-type: 'add-to-cart-form' -%} instead there is a form at line 114 that says{%- ...
hello @jazz-jay I have a custom product meta field called Warehouse Location. Can you help me show this meta field to admin order page? I am ready to make code changes if required. Can you please help?
Hello everyone, I am very new to shopify and would like to have some help regarding the below issue.I have a custom product meta field Warehouse Location and need to show this field in admin order page. I have found some articles that mostly talk ab...