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‎02-03-2025 09:57 AM
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Bio: As a modern and customer-oriented webshop, we offer our customers a pleasant shopping experience by providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface ...

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No problem, I am glad that I could help I hope that shopify adds these fields to the bulk editor and to the excel import funktion soon...
Hi @Zraszacz,the prices adjust automatically.In my case all products are liquids, according to german (EU) law my base measurement unit for all products is litres (l), and my measurement unit for my products is millilitres (ml).I have added 2 metafie...
Hi @Zraszacz , I have solved this issue by adding new metafields to the products and then adding that information via code into the products, search & discovery, and product cards. The metafields can be edited with the bulk editor from Shopify.Unfort...
Hier noch ein Screenshot der optimierten Tabelle auf der Mobilen Ansicht:  
Ich muss mich korrigieren  Die beste Lösung ist deine @Gabe und zwar die Darstellung die hier beschrieben wurde: Vielen Dank!
Hallo @Gabe  und @Finer , vielen Dank für euren Input, das hilft mir schon sehr weiter.Von allen Ideen halte ich deine @Finer tatsächlich am sinnvollsten, einfach aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die Tabelle immer sichtbar sein muss und nicht "versteckt" ...
Hallo zusammen, aufgrund einer EU Verordnung müssen wir bei unseren Produkten einige Hinweise anzeigen.Dies wurde über eine Tabelle gelöst. Allerdings wird die Tabelle auf der Mobilen Ansicht aufgrund des Inhalts total verschoben angezeigt und ich be...
Hallo @JayQ  und @Gabe , wurde das hier gelöst? Ich habe den gleichen Wunsch für meinen Shop  LGV4Y
Hi community, we are using product recommendations on our product pages.Unfortunately Shopify by standard does not display the recomendations when the product is currently sold out.You can the define the products in the search and discovery app but y...
I have found the solution, if someones interested here it is: I have checked the ideal size for the slideshow. As it turns out it differs depending on the theme settings as you can see in this article I found online:
Hi @BSS-Commerce , thank you very much for your answer, I think you are correct.Unfortunately the css behind this slideshow is so complicated, that it is impossible for me to edit. I think this should be done by Shopify Dev. Kind regards
Hi Community, we are using the Taste Shopify Standard Theme. On the index page we use a slideshow to present our products.Unfortunately this causes a CLS of 0.29 and the core web vitals test is failed. Page is: How can we fix thi...
Hi Uhrick, that did the trick! Thank you so much. Kind regardsV4Y
Hi Uhrick, thank you for your help. The tables on the page are inside divs<div class="function-container">I added your css to those classes but it didn't change anything:   .function-container {border: 2px solid #000;padding: 20px;                max...
Hi Uhrick, sure here is the link: Thank you very much in advance! Kind regardsV4Y
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