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I was able to confirm that I have the permissions enabled as expected and have re-ran the queries with additional fulfillment related permissions enabled. I am still getting a blank response in fulfillmentOrders. I'd also expect the permission denied...
Still looking for help with this issue. There appears to be an issue with our specific shopify store where the fulfillmentOrders query by itself (and when nested inside orders, for example) returns no data on our actual store, but my dev environment ...
This appears to also be the case with fulfillmentOrders query by itself, just requesting first:10. This looks to be a bug with the fulfillmentOrders query
Hello, I'm having an issue with my graphQL query:query { order(id: "gid://shopify/Order/{order_id}") { fulfillmentOrders(first:10){ edges{ node{ id assignedLocation{ name } lineI...
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