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HiI can't figure out why the text on one button is orange (it should be white). I'm attaching images of the front end and the settings of the colour scheme. Can someone help me change the text to white without affecting other elements?Thank you in ad...
Thank you  @minhcu  The liquid that renders the tag filters is facets.liquid in Sections I think. I am not sure where to add the code in this file?{% comment %}Renders facets (filtering and sorting)Accepts:- results: {Object} Collection or Search obj...
HiIt will be some of the product tags under "kategori" (I have removed them from the products now, as I do not want them to be visible) I would like to hide tags containing _ (underscore)Ellen
Hi:-)@Zqdo The URL is
HiI am trying to hide certain tags from the filtering of products in my webshop. (Dawn theme)I have tried this solution, but it is not working for me:
Thanks a lot, that worked very well!Ellen
HiShop: thepreEllen
Hi. I would like to change the background colour if the text banner in a slideshow (Dawn theme), but ONLY on one of the slides (and without altering the theme colors). Would that be possible?
Hi:-)Thanks for your reply. Would it be possible to change only this slide without altering the theme colours?Ellen
Hi. I would like to change the background colour in a slideshow (dawn theme), but only on one of the slides. Would that be possible? 
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