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Hello Shopify Community! I am hoping for help to modify my product page design (or maybe its functionality?). I am using the Dawn theme version 10.0.0. My current product page displays media as different-sized tiles and when you click on the addition...
Hi @Zqdo , I didn't see the code written out exactly as you shared below: border: var(--media-border-width) solid rgba(var(--color-foreground),var(--media-border-opacity));I ended up changing the Border settings under the Theme Settings, see below....
Hi @Zqdo , I am going to check on this. Thank you!
Hi @Made4uo-Ribe looks like I got support below! Thanks so much.
Hi there! Image borders: I am trying to add photos where I've removed the background (so they're white) on my product pages. When I upload, I see a tiny border surrounding all images - what I'm trying to achieve looks like this. I wonder if it's jus...