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Hey everyone,I've noticed that you can't really see the details of my clothing pieces when scrolling through my shop on mobile, because the pictures are too small. I was looking at the Balenciaga Webshop and they have a button to switch to a single i...
Hey everyone, I would like to adjust the slideshow button for mobile. It's just too big for mobile and you cant really see the picture anymore. I've attached 2 pics, first is desktop & second mobile. Thanks in advance! My site:
Worked! Thanks a lot
Hey everyone, I would like to change the design of the menu in my mobile theme (Dawn 13.0), I would like to delete the language and currency/country selector as they're unnecessary. Any help is appreciated!Shop link: Kind regards,Mig...
Hey everyone, I'm currently thinking about getting a new paid Theme, even tho they're very expensive imo (currently looking at "Symmetry" for 360$). Considering it includes EU translations changes my perspective tho, I pay 20$ a month for translation...
Hey! I was wondering if it's already possible to translate custom liquids? Thanks!
Hey everyone,I've now tried both and there were certain problems with both of them which could be solved If I could use both together. For example, Translation is easier with Weglot, especially the Glossary which lets me set rules for one word which ...
Hey everyone,
I have started translating my shop but couldn't find a few sections from my shop. 1. I have added a collapsible content section to my ABOUT site, but I can't find it in translate & adapt ? I also wanted to ask if It's possible to transl...
Hey everyone,I want to change the look of the language selector in the header. I would like it to be just EN & DE and add a flag for each. This is an example for reference: My store is guestaccessThanks in advance!
Hey it's still not working unfortunately. There's no visible change
Thank you!
Hey, thanks for the reply!Unfortunately it didn't work, any other suggestions? Thank you again!
Hey everyone,I want to change the size of the button on my slideshow for mobile. Thanks in advance! Link to shop: guestaccess
Hey everyone,I already managed to change the size of the headers in my footer design. Now I want to change the size of the body text and also the points of the "Info" menu on the left. Preferably I would want these changes to apply just to this secti...
Hey everyone,I was just mass customizing some products, adjusting styles. I noticed this purple Product category row, which seems to be automated, but I'm not sure which purpose it serves or how it influences my store. All of the products are already...