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Hey @Jamflynt , I wanted to understand how are you dealing with assets like images?For e.g. - The React app I've set up outside in another folder is working correctly and is deployed too, but I'm facing issues displaying the images which are stored i...
It will update the URLs in whichever app the code is being pointed to while running the dev command. So if you are running "npm run dev" while pointing to your production app, it will update the URLs in that app.
Hi @iskurbanov1, I wanted to know a couple of things -Will this setup have hot-reloading while developing the React app, or do I need to build the React app every time I make any changes?Will this have access to Liquid objects, for example I am using...
Hi,I'm trying to add Lato font inside my app embed block using the old React + Node template (/extensions/[extension-name]/assets/Lato.woff2). After that I'm giving the font-family as "Lato" in my CSS but it is not reflecting inside my UI.How do I ac...
Hi, I am using a React + Node template (pre Remix).I am facing issues -I am defining the SHOPIFY_BASE_URL variable for API endpoints, but it is coming as undefined when I try to use it in my web/frontend folder, is there any specific format w.r.t. to...
Hi, Is there a way I can help the store owner leave a review for my Shopify app from inside the Store Admin?Also, how maintain a check if the user has already left a review so that I don't ask for review again & again, if already given? Thanks.
Hi, I am trying to use 'rem' & '%' as my CSS units in my extensions, for font size, margin, and padding.Now I am facing issues where my text is too small.I have 2 questions - Do I use px for font size and margin, padding? I want to avoid going this...
For reference
It is a part of a theme app extension, basically app embed block (chat bubble)
Hi @Liam Yes, I checked for any mistakes in file name and my file is also in the /assets directory, my main liquid file is inside the /blocks directory, I will attach the console error. I can't seem to pinpoint what is the exact issue, on a side not...
Hi, I have moved my js code from the liquid file inside the block folder to an external index.js inside the assets folder.I have referenced liquid objects inside the js code and inserted them using DOM methods, but now after moving it to an external ...
Hi @SBD_ , I managed to access the access code using app.get(shopify.config.auth.callbackPath, shopify.auth.callback(), async (req, res, next) => {
const client = new shopify.api.clients.Rest({
session: res.locals.shopify.session,
@SAJIDMASOOD Hi, if you're using the React + Node template provided by Shopify, you can go to the index.js file having the express.js code and make the following changes -// Set up Shopify authentication and webhook handling
Hi, Were you able to find a solution for this issue? I am facing the same issue Thanks!
Hi, I wanted to access the 'access token' generated by Shopify and then store it in my own service at the backend.How can I access the token using which variable and then store it using my 3rd party URL. Thanks.
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Subject | Views | Posted |
2212 | 07-26-2023 05:50 AM |