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Is there a way to make the text appear over the picture in the multicolum section like in the picture below? Right now the text sits below the image and doesnt look as nicemy store is 
does this code look correct? it didnt do anything
On desktop the text sits on top of the image and looks nice however on mobile the text is pushed below the picture and it looks bad/doesnt make sense. does anybody know how to make the mobile slideshow appear like the desktop one does?
Yes that looks great! It seems that the code you gave me has added a blank white space below the image banner, is there a way to remove that?Also on mobile the text from the image banner and the header clash, is there a way to keep them seperated lik...
the blur part doesnt work, and the color doesnt affect the whole header
I am on the DAWN theme and would like my header to be semi transparent and blurred to show the behind image while still having its own color. I have attached an image of what it should look like. Does anyone know how to do this?My store is www.sharke...
When using my header on desktop, the menu titled "full detail" has 2 submenus called "full detail and package". On mobile only one of the submenus shows up. The same thing is happening with the menu "our work", it has 3 submenus titles "gallery" "rev...
Hi, When using my header on desktop, the menu titled "full detail" has 2 submenus called "full detail and package". On mobile only one of the submenus shows up. The same thing is happening with the menu "our work", it has 3 submenus titles "gallery" ...
Great Job! Can you make the "book now" button style a white border oval button, just like the view our service area button looks like? Aslo can you make the book now button not show up in the header on mobile devices? like just have it in the normal ...
my store is www.sharkeysmobiledetailing.comIts public so no protect pass
is there a way to make the button stay all the way on the right side of the screen instead of it just making the button where the last "in-line" menu item is?
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