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The Buy X get Y is not working on shopify POS.
Hi, How do I remove POS And Ecommerce By Shopify on my footer?
I have several pos locations but the receipt doesn't state from which pos location.
Hi support, how do I customize my SHOPIFY POS invoice? I have several stores, but the receipt doesn't indicate the store name and other details such as the store telephone number and etc. I would like to add these details to my invoice,1) Store name ...
hi Moeed, sorry I have a typo in question. I would like to change the transparent header text only to #000000 and the clearance tab change to #F70000
hi websenpro, sorry i have a typo in question. I would like to change the transparent header text only to #000000 and the clearance tab change to #F70000Hope you can help.
Hi, how do I customize color for my reformation theme header? I have few menu to update.1. Transparent header color change to #000000 for both navigation menu and icon.2. Menu colour customization - For Clearance tab change to #F70000 I also want to...
Thanks so much! It works
Hi, this is the store URL
I have changed the footer bg to #000000 and the text to #FFFFFF but my email signup subheading text color is still in #000000. I need all text to be in #FFFFFF.