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Im using shopify admin, can u send some screenshots where i need to subscribe to event please. This tutorial does not help me
Can u please describe each step how to finish step 4 from documentation please.
U are talking for shopify develop app on store right? How to send api call if i have no options in app to send any request
Also, can i describe how to subsribe to webhook. Step by step because i followed documentation and dont know where can i subscribe and put all of these informations
Hello, i just created new apl and give permissions for read/write products/oeders because i want catch events when orders/products is created or updated.I followed and did first 3 steps from documentation(create app, create event bridge source and se...
Hello, i created new shopify develop app, create and configure all on aws (event source, rule, api destination) and i allowed installed app to read orders and products. I want to receive events when orders and products are created or updated but i do...
Hello, i created new shopify develop app, create and configure all on aws (event source, rule, api destination) and i allowed installed app to read orders and products. I want to receive events when orders and products are created or updated but i...