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It should be working now for you. It's our test system (we use Pingdom) that checks our sites every 10 minutes because we don't trust Shopify anymore to let us know when their are issues.  So should be all good now.
It's back but our Pingdom is still showing issues so it might still be intermitent.
If you inspect the page you will see it's when the ajax call is you get a http error 429 which is too many requests. Probably a cloudflare false flag or something on their end.  The worst part is that it works on some devices but not others.
It's now a known issue but they still haven't put it on the Shopify Status like usual. In fact the rep just closed my chat without following up.
That's a great idea and we did feel that was needed except there is no api for this. There should be a default discount app option in Shopify so it follows the logic automatically as it does now with Shopify Scripts.  Any other solutions that don't i...
We are working on getting Functions to do what is already possible in scripts that is going away Aug 2025. One limitation we have found is that if we create discount codes in Klaviyo or Yotpo (or any outside marketing app) it is not "attached" to the...
It looks like you just need this line at the top which only runs the script once when the page loads. This prevents the script from running when you hit refresh or going back to that page when you want to relook at an order. {% if first_time_accessed...
Do you have {% if first_time_accessed %} Please send us full code and I can compare with what I have that works. 
Let's not confuse that this doesn't fix the issue. This is how it has been done for years. The issue is that additional scripts on Checkout is depreciated and will be gone August 2025. We are still waiting on Shopify to fix their half baked new check...
Nothing to figure out yet. Ther is no solution. Do not upgrade the thank you page and all will still work till August 2025. Shopify HOPES to have a solution by then. 
As of July 2024 Shopify doesn't have a solution to fix the Javascript popups for review engines like Google Customer Reviews (I assume Trustpilot, Bizrate etc will be the same) to work as they don't want any outside source to change the DOM on the pa...
Based on the lack of response from our Success Manager over the last couple months I assume they thought it wasn't necessary and are now trying to find a solution. This has been known for quite sometime so yes it's surprising that they don't have a s...
Just got word back. The functionality is not there but they assured us that they know it's a missing feature and will have it in time for the end of life. Not the best answer but getting to be the typical half baked rollouts (not just from Shopify). ...
We just moved to Braintree for payments and they have some silly process that we are trying to figure out a workaround. Any ideas of solutions or are you having the same issue. When a customer buys say $100 and then emails say 10 mins later and says ...
Hey Max, If you switch to checkout extensibility like we did it will probably break Google Customer Reviews as the objects (names) have changed.  "order_id": "{{ checkout.order_id }}","email": "{{ }}","delivery_country": "{{ shipping_a...
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