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I have 2 languages, English and Spanish in my theme, with euros and uk pounds.After I installed the "Discovery & Search" app, it shows a double price. Only in 2 sections, home page and stationery. But in learning section it shows only one price! I tr...
Hi Infoatcodelab7,I have the same problem, only in one of the collections and in the home page in -featured collection-I opened price.liquid and from this code<span class="price-item price-item--regular"> {{ product.price | money}} <span class="money...
Hello,I have craft theme and I have the same problem. In the home page and in some collections it's shows double price, but only one collection doesn't.I don't have timber.scss.liquidCould you please let me know how to fix it?Thank you
Many thanks for your email.I contacted my friend who I transferred to him in the first instance (andthen I canceled it a few hours later) and he confirmed that the domain wastransferred to him, so it wasn't canceled properly.He tried to send it back,...
Hi,I had a domain in my Shopify web, then I transferred to someone, but canceled a few hours later.I opened a second Shopify web, and transferred the same domain to this. And was working, without problems.Suddenly, I entered in my Shopify account and...
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