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yes, definitely working, but it takes great time to be able to view all of your items, as for me I have around 16k and it take me 1.5 hours just to be able to view 2.5k items, hoping for a workaround on this and yes, it would be better to be able to ...
Nice one if you do have Shopify Advance Plan. But this is the basic reason for us regular plan holders have, this is also the reason why we are on this forum. @Dan30707077 Been there, done that. No other workaround without purchasing an add-on, and a...
I came to a final decision of not using the meta-fields for it would only force me to purchase an addin which will not be of good use later. Just did a workaround to be able to make use and be able to post other product descriptions without using and...
am now able to make it work, but can't seem to find the values for the buttons to be of the same sizes and also be able to fix the in-between distances.  
how can the [Buy it now] button be moved beside the [Add to cart],for the meantime, i modified the top:-72px to top:-130 just to align the [Buy it now] from quantity. 
from this original format to this desired format.can't seem to find where and what entries to be able to modify to make it like this.
- am using the theme:Dawn, how will i be able to make the [Add to cart] and [Buy it now] on the same single line and also adjust their height.
Oh! that is really great! the free plan covers 1 item, and it you even have to test purchase $10 dollars just to test it! MgaPota!
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