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Hi,Oh, I see. Thank you. If you could consider adding this feature for futures updates, it would be nice because when I call the API to get Orders/Products past a certain date in the field UpdatedAT, the API still understands the milliseconds, it's j...
Hi, I'm using the 2024-04 version of the GraphQL API, and I'm trying to get the updated At Field in milliseconds, but I did not find any information on this. Here is the request that I use: { orders(first: 1) { edges { node { id updatedAt } } } }The ...
Hi, I did not found a solution for this issue
Hi @ShopifyDevSup, Thank you for your response.I added the ID and key fields, and I can confirm that the first option is not getting returned by the API. Here are the full request and the result: REQUEST :Click to expand...{productVariants(first: 1, ...
Hi, I wanted to get the translated Name of a productvariant using the 2024-04 version of the GraphQL api, so I used this request:{ productVariants(first: 1, query: "updated_at:>'2023-10-31T13:30:24Z'") { nodes { ...
Can someone from Shopify confirm that this is a bug ?
I also wanted to know if there was any way to get all the translations of a product variant, or at least do something like this:translations(locale: "en AND fr") {
Hi, I wanted to get the translated Name of a productvariant using the 2024-04 version of the GraphQL api, so I used this request:{ productVariants(first: 1, query: "updated_at:>'2023-10-31T13:30:24Z'") { nodes { ...
Hi,I wanted to know if there is a way to get a giftcard information using the orders querry with GrapQL.I know that I can get a gift card info by getting its ID on the order and then making a giftCard(id: "") querry, but I don't see why I can't get t...
I'm trying to make an app with graphql and i was wondering what would happen if a client order more than the amount i've put in for exemple lineItems(first:10) and the client orders 50products.Is there is anyway to make that number dynamic ?