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Could you please share your store link so I can diagnose
Please replace this: <img srcset="{{ block.settings.image | image_url: width: block.settings.image_width }}, {{ block.settings.image | image_url: width: image_size_2x }} 2x" src="{{ block.settings.image | image_url: width: 760 }}" alt="{{ block...
No need. It automatically generates a link to your homepage.
Here is the CSS code you can use to hide the prices: .price { display: none; }  Adding this will hide the prices on all collections if you do not use templates.  If you...
Here is how you can add a link to the image on your footer on the Dawn theme:1. Go to the theme editor: Search footer and add the codes below around the image element. Replace this:<div...
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This widget could not be displayed.