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HelloMy business manager account finally got verified - I got the email and it says the verification was a success however on the Facebook/Instagram section on my shopify it still says "under review"? 
Hello, the url is password is sahlda the site is not live so we have not had any activity on it, the site had an app installed (upsell to cart) very recently but was not used, we noticed the add to cart text disappeared...
Hi  the url is password is sahlda we noticed that the add to cart text was missing although the button is functioning.  
Add to cart text is missing on button - the solution on the forums is not applicable to my store. I cannot find where I can add the add to cart text on the main product liquid page. Please help.  
Thank you, I think it has been deleted, what should it be? Sorry I’m new to this!
edited code mistakenly and have lost product titles and links on product grid on collection pages. Please can someone help to rectify this.
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