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Hello Folks,I have query , I am making an App in remix and Graphql  .Can anyone tell how we can implement Cron Job in Remix (react library )and Graphql  in shopify app
Hello Folks,I have query , I am making an App in remix and Graphql  .Can anyone tell how we can implement Cron Job in Remix (react library )and Graphql  in shopify app
Hi Sunil  Can you guide me more on this  like I am using Remix (React-library) and graphql .how can I create  a open route in remix 
Hi Sunil ,thanks for the reply
Hello Folks,I have query , I am making an App in remix and Graphql  and onto last step of it  which is to generate report of  no of installs  of that app in that App after every X days  .And for that purpose we need to run Cron job , So the question ...
Thank you for the reply .Just wanted to know .. how i Can access Prisma data (database ) which I have used in making  in making app using remix  in Checkout UI extension .Thanks in Advance
Hello Folks , I am new to Shopify and building a shopify app   using checkout UI extension and Pre purchase extension in shopify  what I am making is - Simple Checkbox in which when user check it simply Add xyz amount to cart as a TIP .. I have  made...
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