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the code is worked but when submit the form it's show 404 error how to solve the issue 
I have replace all the code from the header.liquid file and put my custom code I want to update the cart count using AJAX without page lode below I have share the header.liquid file code help me to solve the issue I am using DAWN theme   <div class="...
I want to give top and bottom margins on the cart page on Dawn Theme how can I do that? I have tried to give CSS on base.css file but the CSS is not working.
I want to add a background image for the home page body only on the dawn (11.0.0) theme how can I do that? The header and footer will remain the same just the body part of the home page I want to add a background image. If there is any solution then ...
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This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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