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Yes it worked! Thank you sooo much Henry
Hi, please help me.  The "add to cart" buttons on my products are not aligned, can anyone tell why and how I can do to fix it?My store: am using dawn theme and this is on the home page, see attached picture.   Thank you in...
Hello! Please help, i've tried following so many threads now regarding this issue with no success.My store:'m using dawn theme So, on the mobile view the "add to cart" buttons are not aligned. I have attached screenshots o...
Hello again! I tried placing your code "@media screen and (max-width: 767px)(index):1744.videoBackground .videoBoxInfoBtn { display: inline-block !important;margin-top: -100%;}"right under Laddis code"@media screen and (max-width: 767px){.videoBoxInf...
Hi Asad! It did not work, instead I got the code on top of the shop. See attached picture. Best, Jessica
Thank you once again, but it is still not like the deskop version.  I'll attached a screenshot of how i want the button.  Thank you in advance! Jessica
Thank you Laddi! I would like to have the button on top of the video just like in the deskop version. Is this posible? Also, smaller sized just like the deskop version.  Kind regards, Jessica
Hello! Please help.I have been trying to solve this problem for a while now without results. The "Shop now" button does not appear in the mobile version, only in the deskop version. My store: I have tried with this code: @m...
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