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I think it's happening to a bunch of us. I already saw another post with the same error (which I also have)
Hi! Thank you so much for replying, I didn't notice that hook! It doesn't seem like it supports all the methods from the Customer Privacy API though, like checking the user's current permissions or customize the specific type of cookies that should b...
Hello! I'm trying to implement a cookies consent banner on my store (I'm using Shopify's integration with Hydrogen.). The first step is to load the customer privacy API using the window.Shopify object. However, I can't even see, much less access the ...
Hi, I'm having the same problem. Did you manage to solve it? Thank you! 
Hello. I'm working on a store that's integrated with Hydrogen. I followed Shopify's tutorial on building a cart with Hydrogen and everything is working correctly, but I noticed something today: Using the LinesUpdate action, I'm able to exceed the cur...
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