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Our store is located in the U.S. Entering a Canadian address at checkout brings up the following message: "Your order cannot be shipped to the selected address. Review your address to ensure it's correct and try again, or select a different address."...
I do have one last quick question, if you don't mind.  The JQuery code I am using is for some reason not placing the infobox next to the cursor, but is instead placing it far to the right. How would I make it so that the info box is right next to the...
That fixed it! Thank you for the help!
Yes - You'll see a very tiny map next to the period. It's strange, as when I remove the CSS the map returns to normal size. Adding CSS styling to the map makes it small and disappear when no...
I have an SVG image that I've tried to attach to my page with HTML and CSS. However, it only appears as a very small image and only when I've inserted some additional text to the page. How can I make this bigger and also not reliant upon text being p...
Hi David - Have you had a chance to take a look at the site? 
Hi David,Here is the store URL -'ve temporarily disabled the password, so you should be able to access it. The map in question is under the "Representatives" tab. Thank you!
I have some HTML, CSS, and JS that I used on a past site with an older theme that worked perfectly that I would like to use on my new site. However, the map seems to break no matter what I try.  The map should look like this, with the info box appear...
That worked for me - thank you so much!
Yes - URL is and I have temporarily removed the password protection.  Thank you!
I would like to display the dynamic variant SKU under the product price when viewing the product for the customer to see. I have found a handful of solutions online for the Dawn 2.0 theme, but none for the Refresh theme. I have managed to make the dy...
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