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You could give this a try: snippets/product-variant-picker.liquid (Dawn 12, l.24)   {%- for option in product.options_with_values -%} {% if option.values.size > 1 %} <fieldset class="js product-form__input"> <legend class="form__label">{{...
A closing-bracket tag is missing in your base.css on the following css-rule:@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) and (hover: hover) { ..  You could give this fix a try: .animate--hover-vertical-lift .button:not([disabled]).button--secondar...
You could give this a try; go to your footer section and add this Custom CSS, @media(min-width: 750px){ .grid__item { max-width:16.5%; } .grid__item:last-of-type { max-width:50%; } } My two cents. Good luck!
You could give this a try, .header__icon--search { display:none; } My two cents. Good luck!
You could give this a try. Go to your Slideshow section and add this Custom CSS,.slideshow__controls { background-color:#000; } .slideshow__controls, .slideshow__controls .slider-button .icon { color:#fff; } .slideshow__controls .slideshow__a...
You could give this 'workaround' a try. Go to your Image banner section. Set two images; first image is for mobile and the second for desktop. Scroll down and add this Custom CSS, .banner__media-half:nth-child(2){ left:0; right:auto; width:10...
Go to your Image banner section and add this Custom CSS, @media(max-width: 749px){ .banner__media-half:nth-child(2){ display:none; } } Note. Set checkbox: Stack images on mobile. My two cents. Good luck!
First revert back to class="disabled". Open Editor (page > Default product) and add Custom CSS to the Product information template/section: .product-form__input input[type='radio'].disabled + label { text-decoration:none; }  My other two cents 
Maybe disabling the disable class?- Snippets > product-variant-options.liquid (l.59, Dawn 12) {% if option_disabled %} class="!disabled" {% endif %} My two cents. Good luck!
If I understand correctly you could try to add a link to the menu-items with a subnav.- Snippets > header-mega-menu.liquid (l.19-25) {%- assign parentlink = link.links[0] -%} <a href="{{ parentlink.url }}" title="{{ parentlink.title }}"> <span ...
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