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i sell INSPIRED stuff from nike and im getting the same message
not telling anyone im nike its just inspired by nike and handmade
its to rare so customers won't notice it so i think its good
its not the shopping cart icon because i got it recently when the shopping cart icon was removed it was a coincidence like does anyone have code to gaurantee the hover effect to work?
i don't know how to trigger it but its pretty rare like a 1/1000 chance of happening you will eventually get it
wait it isn't its just a coinsidence because it just didn't randomly stop working without the shopping cart icon deleted it again and tried to replicate it and the mouse hover stopped working
i don't know why it only happens sometimes
the cause is the shopping cart icon i downloaded because if i delete it everything works fine
its completly random
wait nvm it just breaks randomly sometimes its fixed sometimes its broken
i think its fixed 
i think i fixed it
but i don't know how to fix it
also i figured out the cause its the shopping cart icon i downloaded 
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