Mar 12, 2019
First I wanna thank the shopify team for this API endpoint. Here is a question and possible feature request: Is there a way to exclude any given product from being recommended by the api ba...
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I found my problem. I had "inventory_behaviour" misspelled. This code properly decrements inventory{
"order": {
"inventory_behaviour": "decrement_obeying_policy",
"line_items": [
"variant_id": 1326301970462,
I am also experiencing issues with this. The product in question in my store has Shopify track inventory quantity. Some examples requests I have made are{
"inventory_behavior": "decrement_obeying_policy",
"order": {
"line_items": [
Hi @GymJam,
I would really appreciate if you could send this to me as well. My email is hcmlopes<<at>>gmail<<dot>>com
Thanks so much!
Henrique Lopes