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you should be able to just include the liquid variable {{ }} since its already given to you based on the trigger you selected
@EvenGreenerNat @MBOONE123 @khard We launched an app that supports CSV uploads and lets users quickly build a cart by copy/pasting SKUs and quantities directly into the form. Hopefully it can be of s...
We launched an app that supports CSV uploads and lets users quickly build a cart by copy/pasting SKUs and quantities directly into the form. Granted it does not automatically create the order using t...
Yeah we use Plus so i dont think it works on other plans but with the ‘New Customer Accounts’ we have turned on since we need it for b2b, we assign access to a generic internal email customer to a b2b company account location, which lets us access th...
Hi Mac, thanks for that feedback We use Shopify for B2B and make our store only accessible to existing customers, so in this way it would be super helpful if the app at least could first check if the customer creating a chat is 'logged in' and if so ...
Thanks for letting them know! Yeah this would be amazing to have in Graph QL since you could hopefully query by Abandonment_type and get only carts as opposed to checkouts
i'm guessing still nothing?
Wow.. lol, yup that did it! thank you so much Paul!
When I run this query via Graph QL, it returns only orders WITH the tag instead of all orders without the tag haha is that even possible? orders(query:"tag_not:Special Terms")
Not sure if you guys already fixed this but I had the same issue and realized they added soooo many more Webhooks to the Graph QL API. I missed it cuz I was looking in the admin panel where they only have a few (only REST I guess), but link below the...
this whole time i was going under customer > companyContactProfiles to get this information in my GraphQL Query and was wondering "how is there no assigned companyLocation" lol thank you Paul!!