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Updated to one workflow. Get Product (1) and (2) use query is checking for any product updated in the future.  updated_at:>'{{ scheduledAt }}' {% assign today_date = 'now' | date: "%Y-%m-%d"%}{% for metafields_item in getProductDataForeachitem.metafi...
Click Then to add a single action or a condition. This action is taken after all the actions performed by Do this for each item are complete.I didn't read the documentation completely so I missed the fact that the action occurs after each action. I'l...
Thanks for all the help @FePixie and @paul_n! I was able to get it working. I ended up using 3 workflows. Here's a rundown if any one needs to do something similar in the future.  1) add a tag on a product if the metafield is equal to todays date run...
This is what I'm currently looking into as well @FePixie, I'll let you know if I get any where with this approach.
Hey, thanks I didn't know about the "Log output". I found out what the issue was, the code logic is correct. However the issue is that I can't inject liquid code in to the value field, is there any way I can use liquid code in the value field?
Hi Steve, Thanks for the response. I did some further testing and have one more question.  I did some testing where I compared {% assign date_today = "now" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" | append: '' %}{{date_today}} to the string value "2023-10-17" and it retur...
Hey, I'm currently trying to hide a product with the workflow below, all of it works apart from the date comparison. The metafields_item.value that I'm trying to compare is a metafield stored as a date. When I sent metafields_item.value to my email t...
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