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Can we link the automatic "Category Metafields" that shows up under a product listing to a liquid code? It shows up between the variant and metafield option when you add a product page: here is is under the metafield product option and also the cont...
Originally I only wanted to replace the namespace.key using the block.settings. thus the article.metafields[block.settings.metafield_video1] where the "block.settings.metafield_video1" is the namespace.key and it becomes article.metafields.recipe.vid...
So I'm trying to make a recipe section under my product page and use the video and data metafields from my blog recipe. Thus, I need to connect my article.metafields to my product template in order for this to work. What i tried to do is make a block...
I am making a new section in my product template.I have a block setting {{ block.settings.metafield_video1 }} which will generate a single line text "recipe.video_url". From a metafield on a BLOG post so the full liquid should result in {{ article.m...
Hi, is this something you can help me with as well?