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Hi Shay, It is not prohibited to use another checkout. The platform is a Shopify partner, including. I just want help with the codes and the way to make installing this checkout easier. Can you help me?
Hi Dan! Fine?  I can't allow the person to be redirected to an external checkout when clicking the button? I appreciate
When I click that button, it redirects to the native Shopify checkout. I would like it to redirect to an external checkout  I was able to find the source code for the button that actually redirects to my external checkout.  This button: "FAZER CHECKO...
Ao passar o mouse sobre a "sacola de compras" aparece o seguinte texto: carroça Gostaria de alterar esse nome para "carrinho"    Agradeço desde já, se puderem me ajudar com esse passo-a-passo. Um forte abraço  
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