Hi all! I've been a Shopify developer for 4+ years now, and recently I noticed a gap in the Shopify world, where it was seemingly impossible to create and post properly formatted and SEO optimized...
Hi folks! I'm Patrick. I've been a Shopify Expert developer for the past 4 years. A few months back I began working on a solution for store owners to start posting recipes from their business onto...
0 changes on my side in terms of the customer creation part of my Shopify app. I am creating customers using the Shopify API. It works like 9 times of 10, but that 1 time I get a 422 error retu...
Using the EASDK trying to use the modal function to confirm/deny a user action. Docs (https://help.shopify.com/en/api/embedded-apps/embedded-app-sdk/methods#shopifyapp-modal-alert-options-fn) say ...
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Fair enough - that's on Shopify to provide this feature. I'm just trying to provide the solution for anyone who wants it. Blogging is so powerful, I hope you get back into it! 
Hey! Happy to give a discount, shoot me an email at help@betterblogcomments.com, I'm happy to work with you on the pricing!
Hey there!Just wanted to chime in as I've released a little app that solves a few of your pain points in this post (specifically, email notifications on new blog comments, and directly replying to comments). The app is called "Better Blog Comments" a...
I can for sure add something like that! Could you send me a note at help@betterblogcomments.com so that I have it in my system and can work on this/next week?
Hi @iamEkho - I agree that this should be a default feature in Shopify, it blows my mind that they didn't consider this (or add it in the recent years). To solve this pain point for my freelance and other app clients, I built a small little Shopify a...
Hi @DeronDust , @Big-Dawg and all! I just built and released an app for Shopify that allows you to reply to blog comments (along with a bunch of other stuff).Here is the app store listing: https://apps.shopify.com/blogcommentsHere is a list of all th...
Hi! I just released an app for email notifications, comment replies, blog ratings, etc. for Shopify.Here is the app store link: https://apps.shopify.com/blogcommentsHere is a list of all the features it comes with, right now:sends email notifications...
Hey Kati!I've just released a simple app that allows for comment replies, email notifications, better spam protection, and a ton of other blog comment features.I'd love for you to try it out here - https://apps.shopify.com/blogcommentsGive it a look ...
Hi there!Just wanted to chime in and let you all know that I've built a small little app that overhauls the Shopify blog comment system. It's called Better Blog Comments and it basically brings all of the modern blog comment features that you expect ...
Hi all. I've been hearing these complaints from my recipe app customers for years, and it's baffling that Shopify still doesn't support such a basic feature - they have been severely ignoring the blog feature of Shopify for years now (decades?). I go...
Hey there! I'm a little biased as I run Recipe Kit for Shopify, but regardless I built it to solve exactly the pain point of having to deal with recipe formatting and printing on client stores - doing it manually was not fun hahaha. Whether you use m...
Hey! First off, simply printing the page from the browser allows the user to print to PDF, so that is the easiest route; just requires your user to know what to click. That method in combination with a dedicated recipe card app (like mine, Recipe Kit...
Hi! What solution in particular are you hoping for here? 
Hi @Alan any update on this? This is breaking functionality in my app.
Hi Alan! 4dc5896e-b4eb-45d6-b28e-fb8c20261df2 is the request id for the failing file. Let me know! Thanks so much.
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