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I call API /admin/api/2023-10/products/{0}/images.json to upload the variant image,but the second day is gone,When uploaded,priview the product and click on each variant of the product,It worked fine,But when i looked at it the next day,The image ass...
你好,我调用API,/admin/api/2023-10/products/632910392/images.json 上传了产品变体variant的图片, 与variant ids关联, 当时上传完后,预览产品,并点击产品的每个变体variant, 能正常显示图片,但是,当我第二天看的时候, 在variant关联的图片却没有了,但实际上他是有存在于Media列表中的, 也就是variant的关联关系没了,导致variant图片看上去没有了,是什么原因?
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