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Please, community, help me fix this problem
it works now thank you so much @PageFly-Henry for your help
thanks for your replymy store link is : password : uhofawllsr
Hi @PageFly-Henry thanks for your reply , the code isn't working for me :(( my store link is : https://6737e0-4.myshopify.compassword : uhofawllsr
Hi @Jona_mikethanks for your reply , the code isn't working for me :((
can you please share it herethanks !
Hi @Jona_mike thanks for your reply do you have any code ? can help me to fix this kind regards
Hello guys please i need some help I want Continue shopping button be on the right on Dawn theme not on the left i have tried many things but nothing seems to work for me. Thanks in advance!
Hello guys please i need some help i want to center the shop catégories Title on Dawn themei have tried many things but nothing seems to work for me. Thanks in advance!
Thank you so much, Danny, for your invaluable assistance! Your help has made a significant difference, and I truly appreciate it. Grateful and happy
Where can I write this code? Is it before the <head> or <body>?"
Danny Can you please check again because I see it saved in base.css
i write it in base.ccs but nothing is change :(((
.title__title {
text-align: center !important;
}Is this the code I should write? is : uhofaw