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Did you find any solution? I have the same problem
I discovered that when I create the meta object with color type, if I type "Green" or "Gainsboro," Shopify automatically changes it to the corresponding hexa color code in the color field. How can I do this the other way around? For a given code, I n...
This article doesnt apply to dawn theme
I am using this type of mutation but the category field is not available.
Oh Solved now. 
Does anyone else need help accessing the help website? 
I have tried to run a lot of my flows today  to test, and they are not working
I found it on the card-product.liquid under the {{ card_product.url }} name
I found it under Snippets: Card-product.liquidand this is the URL that needs to be changed.{{ card_product.url }}
How do you hide them with a flow? Is it possible to hide a collection too?
Out of curiosity: Do you use the mutation space to include this code? Or where do you run it? I only use the mutation fields, and I find that the following structure is unfamiliar with the space provided because the space is usually already inside th...
I am learning to return additional fields like the metafield as a Payload Return. It looks like the probable way I'd go
HI Could you please explain with an example how this particular array works? Im getting familiar with the mutation Payload Returns
I'm using the Mutations in Shopify Flow, and none of the Input Fields allow me to link it to the Flow Run that affected it. It would be ideal. The only way is if I create a Metafield. As an example, check input fields. It allows you to leave a date b...
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