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Hi! Yes, i have chatted with support and translations in Translate and Adapt app's embed section showing ONLY FOR APP'S EMBED.  Our app has app extension, so it is not showing there.
Hi! Had similar problem that the proxy link stops working after reinstall - the reason was that webhook "UNINSTALLED" was not successfully delivered when my remix app was running locally. So it did not delete the session record related to the shop wh...
So the problem is that anyway the app is NOT displaying on "App embeds" section of the Translate & Adapt And I am wondering what to do so the app is showing there
Translate & Adapt also provides the opportunity to edit translations, which is super useful for the app international adaptation. So that is sad that the app is not displaying on "App embeds" section, even though it shows the translation form "es.jso...
 @BrainStation23 thanks for trying it out I also have tried with another shopify translation app and it did auto translate my app. I suspect that the translation with Translate & Adapt will only work if manually add more languages into "locales" fold...
Hi everyone, I'm currently developing a Shopify app using Remix, and I'm looking to enable translation functionality through Shopify's native Translate & Adapt app.My app includes a theme app extension that merchants can embed in their stores. The go...
Hi, Looks like I have discovered a bug in ProductVariants - Product - publishedInContext endpoint, please correct me if I am wrong. Let's consider a scenario for B2B store, when a product is not published on Online Store (but Active). And this produc...
This looks great. Thank you! I have to surround a SKU with " because a SKU may have a space besides " symbol:  So looks like the third option works for me. But there is an issue with the third option - it does not allow ' symbol  Because I am constr...
Hi community, Shopify allows " symbols in SKU: But when I try to search for that SKU using GraphQL Admin API, it looks like that it does not allow " symbol in search condition:     When it works without " symbol:   Is there an elegant way to avoid th...
UPD: This issue was my mistake, because I used default DB configuration from Remix template. So the DB is not a separate instance and running on the same VM as the server. That is why DB is cleans up with the deployment.DB stores session data.
I have discovered that this problem is fixed as well if after the deployment I navigate to the admin page of the app in the store. So it somehow reloads the app. But is there a way to make it work sustainable? For example, provide the option to updat...
Hello, I am developing an app using Remix. The architecture of the app is Frontend -> Proxy Link -> Backend, so the request is coming through the proxy link.Then the app makes an Admin GraphQL query requesting products:  export async function action(...
Here is the announce that I may use Storefront API for an app: it work as well for Public Apps (distributed through the App Store )?
I am developing a Shopify app with the Remix template. My app provides a theme app extension with an input form.Then a user submit some date through that form. Based on submitted data from the app backend I am calling Admin API to get products. Now I...
That is very helpful. I also have found another way auth the request and call Admin API using authenticate.public.appProxy (when the request coming through Proxy link from the shop frontend): export async function action({ request }) { .... c...
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