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happening to me, what did you end up doing ?
It's because the padding in the code is 15px. Find this portion of the code:<style>.article-card-wrapper.card-wrapper {padding: 15px; -> play around with the padding here. I used 5px instead of the 15px in his original code and the aspect went back t...
hi, can i know what part of the code specifically did you change? I only noticed this part at the end but are there other parts?<style>.article-card-wrapper.card-wrapper {padding: 5px;}</style> Even though it worked for me when I copied over your cod...
this worked for me, thanks so much!!!
how do you change the store location, I'm thinking of doing that as well!
Nevermind, I got it working now on mobile. The image shows up and it's not autoplay but im ok with that. Code I used below:<video style="max-width: 100%; height: 100%;" id="videoPlayer" loop="loop" autoplay="true" webkit-playsinline="" playsinline="...
hi!! I've been following this thread and your code works perfectly on desktop however on mobile, i need to press the "play" button for it to appear, otherwise its just a huge blank space. Any help on this? I tried adding autoplay="true" in line 7 of ...