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I've tried this code and it worked but only for mobile page <a href="{{ block.settings.image_link }}" style="display: block;position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 100%;left: 0;top: 0;z-index: 999;"></a>
Does anyone guide me how to set up clickable slideshow?Thanks in advance and cheers!!
Does anyone guide me how to set up clickable slideshow?I already coded slideshow as showing different pictures on mobile and PCThanks in advance and cheers!!
Thank you so much!!All worked!
Could you check again below contact form?I added slideshow section and you can see them!
Thank you for your help!Here 
Can anyone find out why slideshow on mobile page does not show pictures on my page?Woking on to find out bugs on coding but unable to locate whereThanks in advance !URL
Deeply appreciate it!B is worked !!How can I let you access to my page for checking? 
Thank you for your replyOh sorryThis is website homepage for HEADER this is for landing page for QUANTITY PICKER (please check mobile ver)
Hi folks Does anyone help me out how to get HEADER back on Homepage and quantity picker on mobile locate center from left allign?Much appreciate your help I'm in problems
Does anyone know how to remove 'order tracking button' from Thank you page?
<a href=""><img src="" alt="LINEで連携" height="36" border="0"></a>This is code for button and URL
Thank you for your advice!I have question to you which is I have this code and will be like in the picture.How to change URL link of green button only?I just want to put one URL on button It would be much appreciate if you would help me this !!Code{%...
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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