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hello everyone i want to get the text and button from my image banner on my mp4 video i first had a gif in the image banner but this was loading slow and looked not good so i searched on google how you can get a video background and followed the step...
hello thanks for answering my store url is the site is not password protected thanks!
hello everyone i want to get the text and button from my image banner on my mp4 video i first had a gif in the image banner but this was loading slow and looked not good so i searched on google how you can get a video background and followed the step...
hello everyone i want to get the text and button from my image banner on my mp4 video i first had a gif in the image banner but this was loading slow and looked not good so i searched on google how you can get a video background and followed the step...
hello thanks for altering the code there are only a few things missing in this new code 1. the color of the text is not white2. the text above the main text is missing 3. on desktop the text is in the middle of the screen but i want the text on the l...
this is the code {%- if section.blocks.size > 0 -%}{%- for block in section.blocks -%}{%- assign img_url = block.settings.image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}{% if block.type == 'video' %}<div class="videoBox" style="{%- if blo...
tried to find the first code but i dont have it in the code of the background video?
hello i tried to add the code but i was unable to save it because i get a error message   
hello thanks for replying  im sorry i forgot to save it can you please look if you can see it? Thanks!  
hello thanks for looking on the website i hide the video so thats why you could not see it. if everything went well you could see it now thanks!  
hello thanks for answering! what do you mean with class?  
hello thanks for answering! my store url is there is no password needed thanks
hello everyone i want to get the text and button from my image banner on my mp4 video i first had a gif in the image banner but this was loading slow and looked not good so i searched on google how you can get a video background and followed the step...
hi PaulMartin thanks for replying i would be great if you could help me i have been trying everything i found but couldn't fix it by myself. Tell me where to start when you have time!  thanks!
hello thanks for answering  i read your message and now want to build on top of the existing theme but i build this banner because i could not find other options to make a video banner with text and buttons so if you know an other option i would also...
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