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Hi guys I am tryin to change the font of the descrption in my product page.My site is : www.secretsbyglammy.comif you go to in the part called "descrizione" there is a specific font that i wanna ...
Hey Guys, my site is : I was wondering if it is possibile to move up the txt of the image banner in the Home Page and the button too.Thank you very much!!!
The products are added separately as featured products
Hey guys, on my website by mobile i have my products in a section that the tiltle is "I nostri prodotti:"I would like to see the products in this order:Mystery Box BasicMystery Box PremiumMystery Box DeluxeThank you very much!
I obtained a script for cookies from an external company; they provided me with the URL, which is as follows: <script src=""></script>. I would like to add it to my website, bu...
Hey guys, i just got the script for my cookie banner, it is like <script src=URL></script>anyone can help me?
Hey guys i would like to change the label of my site, the Home Page, i would like to get it bigger and to change the color if it is possibile?Can anyone help me? maybe with the css. Thanks My site is : and the password is : ba...
Hey guys, my site is password : bawtuyi would like to change the discount from "X% off" ( like 9% off) to "Promo 5€" for all the products. Thank you
Hey guys, i would like to translate these parts in my site ( password: bawtuy ).I would like to translate the Menu of the Header:
Catalog to Catalogo
Contact to Contatti
And the in the footer legal notice to Note legal...
Hey guys, i am new to shopify, i am tryin to order my products.The site is and the password is bawtuyi would like to see the boxes in these order: basic, premium, deluxe.
I just installed it, how can i proceed now? Thanks
Dear Shopify Professionals,I hope this message finds you well. I am currently in the process of setting up a website on Shopify for my business. However, I have a specific concern related to the registration of a trademarked business name.My business...
Hey guys i wanna translate these things:Refund policy to "Politica di rimborso"Privacy Policy to "Politica di privacy"Terms of service to "Termini di servizio"Legal notice to "Note legali"site: www.secretsbyglammy.compass : bawtuy
Dear Shopify Professionals,I hope this message finds you well. I am currently in the process of setting up a website on Shopify for my business. However, I have a specific concern related to the registration of a trademarked business name.My business...
If I wanted to move the social icons to the left?