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The app block is still rendering in the theme editor and incognito tab but not appearing in the main tab. You can view the screenshot I've attached for reference main tab: incogtito tab:
Additionally, I've noticed that the app blocks that were added, along with the configurations of the app embed in the setting_data.json, remain unaffected even after I have uninstalled the app. Is this still in accordance with the standard procedure?
Thank you so much, Liam, for the feedback. I'm quite confident that I've done everything correctly. The issue might be related to caching because when using an incognito tab, the blocks work fine.However, about 3-4 hours later, the main tab automatic...
When I reinstall the app, the old app blocks still get rendered in the theme editor. However, in the storefront, I encounter the error "Failed to render app block "id": app block path "shopify://apps/{app_name}/blocks/{file}/{uuid}" does not exist.'"...
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